Detoxification and Relaxation Foot Bath

Revitalize Your Well-being: The Transformative Power of Foot Detox Baths

foot detox in mandeville

Renew Energy and Vitality with a Detoxifying Foot Bath


The IonCleanse® by AMD helps the body relax and gently detox in a way it has never been able to before, even if normal pathways of elimination are compromised. Detoxification and relaxation with the IonCleanse® by AMD is a choice to strongly consider as part of your protocol.


Toxicants and toxicity interfere with every system of the body. Detoxification with the IonCleanse® by AMD paves a clearer path to success by helping the body’s normal systems and processes function without these impediments. When you incorporate the IonCleanse® by AMD into a health plan, almost every other therapy or intervention may have a greater impact on your health and wellness.

  • Better, Deeper Sleep
  • A Greater Sense of Calm
  • Reduced Brain Fog
  • Improved General Wellness

How it Works

The IonCleanse® by AMD’s proprietary and patented technology results in only biocompatible electrical frequencies entering the water. This elicits a relaxation response. Concurrently, these frequencies create an ionic field that cleanses and purifies the body through the power of ions.

The IonCleanse® process ionizes the water as H₂O is split into OH and H+ ions. These ions attract and neutralize oppositely charged toxins. After a session the user feels calm, relaxed, and focused. There are no harmful side effects, and the process in painless, non-invasive, and completely safe.


The Proof is in the Research

  • 34% Reduction in Glyphosate
  • 46% Reduction in Aluminum
  • 24% Reduction in Cadmium

Frequently Asked Questions


Most people feel lighter on their feet, more energy, clearer thinking, and reduced stress. If you feel good before a detox foot bath session, you’ll feel good afterward. People who feel the worst going into a session tend to notice the biggest changes. If there is a specific issue you are looking to address, most of the time you will notice changes within two months of consistent use.


The IonCleanse® by AMD, through the electrolysis of water, creates ions in the water. Ions are charged particles that neutralize toxins, which are held in a charged form in the body. Ions “do not play favorites,” thus, they will react with and neutralize other charged particles, as well.

When there are no feet in the water, the ions neutralize what is in the foot bath. First is the water itself: average city water has between 300-500 chemicals in it. Second is the salt, which also has a charge. Third, is the array plate, which is made from stainless steel and copper. All of these elements will contribute to color change. From our 18 years of experience, we estimate that the “junk in the tub” contributes to roughly 30% of the overall color change when feet are in the water. It accounts for 100% of the color change when feet are not present. See the side-by-side comparison: THERE IS A VIDEO OF THE COLOR CHANGE DIFFERENCE UNDER FAQS ON Detox Foot Spa | A Major Difference

We liken the ionic field to a huge magnet that attracts the oppositely charged particles (toxins) from the body, which are then released into the tub. Because each body releases these toxins according to its own priorities, we see different colors, textures, and even smells from one person to the next with the IonCleanse® by AMD. We see these differences time and again.


The IonCleanse® by AMD is a unique detox system that allows the body to release toxicity and bypass the body’s normal channels of elimination. Our experience and research which dates back to 2002 has shown that the IonCleanse® by AMD does not pull out minerals and nutrients the body is utilizing. The charges from those minerals are being used to facilitate processes in the body. The IonCleanse® by AMD will not disrupt those processes or those minerals.

We do believe it is possible that minerals and nutrients that are not being used by the body can be pulled out during the detox process. We also recommend clients drink enough water and introduce minerals and supplements as guided by their practitioners. These are universal recommendations we feel are appropriate for everyone.


Yes, there are some clients whom we recommend not use the IonCleanse® by AMD unless under a physician’s guidance.

  • Wearers of a pacemaker, or any other battery operated or electrical implant.
  • Pregnant or nursing women.
  • Those on heartbeat regulating medication and/or blood thinners.
  • Organ transplant recipients.
  • Those on medication, the absence of which would cause mental or physical impairment, such as psychotic episodes, seizures, etc.


Many medications require that a blood level be maintained in order to be effective; for example, blood pressure medication. Do your IonCleanse® session just before taking your medication so that you can maintain proper levels.

Great care should be taken if you are suffering from pathologies or are entrenched in the allopathic system. Consult with your physician first.

If you experience low blood sugar, eat before a session.

If you have had a substantial portion of your colon removed, start with reduced session times as one of your main channels of elimination has been compromised.

If you have non-electrical implants, such as titanium pins, you may find the current uncomfortable. In the event of severe discomfort, discontinue the session.

Does the IonCleanse help with _________?

The IonCleanse by AMD is not a medical device. As such, we cannot make claims that include treatment, diagnosis, prevention, or cure.  If you have a specific situation you would like to discuss, please call us


The IonCleanse® System is not intended to treat, prevent, cure, or diagnose any disease. The IonCleanse® Total Body Detoxification is a comprehensive health and wellness system, and the information provided by A Major Difference (“AMD”) is solely for use as part of a self-improvement program. None of the information provided is intended to act as a substitute for medical counseling, nor does it involve the diagnosis, prognosis, or prescription of remedies for the treatment or prevention of any disease.